The ‘church’ is not a building – the church is a group of people gathered together by the Spirit of God. We exist as the church in mutually supportive, interdependent relationships of care and commitment, bound together by the Spirit of love and truth, sent out together to serve and do justice. We encourage one another, bear one another’s burdens, learn together, celebrate together, wonder together, serve together, and share life together centered around the story of God’s love revealed in Jesus Christ.

In 2014, our congregation began a new process of welcoming newcomers called “Living Questions.” We invite everyone curious about membership at Our Saviour’s to jump into Living Questions, which happens every spring. We meet on Sunday evenings, share a meal, pray together, and break into small groups for conversations about faith and life. Each newcomer is paired with a current member of the congregation who accompanies them in small groups. The focus of this process is to build relationships and to learn and wonder together about how God is alive and among us today. We also share more about Our Saviour’s history, theology, faith formation, outreach, worship, and more; and, we invite newcomers to get fully involved in community life as they feel called.
If you are interested in exploring membership at Our Saviour’s, please contact Pastor Esther (esther@oursavioursmpls.org).