We are always changing by the Spirit; we are tied together and anchored in the love of Christ; we are called and nurtured by the living voice of God; and we are sent out to live lives of justice and joy, service and solidarity, care and compassion.
In 2019, we commissioned our congregation’s (unofficial) resident composer, Bret Hesla, to write new songs to commemorate our 150th Anniversary. He wrote this witty, fun rouser for the congregation based on our mission statement.
Our Vision
In 2019, we adopted these goals and values to guide our life together and our witness to the gospel. They are living goals and values that we turn to as we discern how the Spirit is calling us to be the church of Christ today.

Strategic Goals
- Living into a process of better engagement with our neighbors
- Intentionally nurturing communal and individual spiritual life
- Fostering opportunities for deepening relationships in the congregation
- Dismantling white supremacy
- Engaging in creation care and climate justice
- Developing and implementing a 5-year property plan

- Big We – We are a diverse, inclusive, and welcoming community that is on a Spirit-led journey of ever expanding our sense of who belongs and how we share life together.
- Connecting Together – As members of each other in the body of Christ, we intentionally develop and sustain relationships of mutual care and commitment.
- Connection to the Divine – We experience God’s gracious presence alive and with us through Word, prayer, music, sacrament, and beyond.
- Exploring Christian Faith – We engage with the stories and teachings of our Christian faith with our whole selves, bringing our questions, wonderings, and experiences to the table and expecting to discover fresh understandings that speak into our lives today.
- Leadership – We nurture and grow innovative leadership for the church and the world, recognizing that each person is called into bold and faithful action in their vocations.
- Solidarity – In a spirit of repentance and humility, we seek beloved community by accompanying our neighbors in working for justice and peace.
- Big Faith – We engage in work with the Minneapolis Area Synod, the larger ELCA, ecumenical and interdenominational partners, and with people of other faiths for the sake of the world.