Racial Justice and Restoration
At Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church we are working to identify, confront, and claim responsibility for the generational effects of slavery, Native American genocide, economic oppression, and land theft.
Racial Justice Goals and Work
As we continue to live on Indian land we will work on protecting water, earth, air, food, and all animals by growing and caring for this land of the First Nations and Indigenous peoples. We continue to seek restorative justice for our unhoused neighbors and are working on supporting those in our community wherever they may be living.
As a majority white congregation, we will confront our congregational and individual history of, complicity in, and hurt caused by white supremacy. With courage, accountability, and grace, we will dwell in the necessary discomfort of this work together, exploring the ways white supremacy has and continues to show up in our communal and personal lives and developing new ways of being together that contribute to generational culture change. We will hold space for white people to challenge each other, grow together, mess up, and keep showing up. And we will make space for our BIPOC congregation members and neighbors to be more fully themselves and to lead with authenticity. Together, we will practice naming white supremacy in our midst, identifying injustices in and around us, and collaboratively leveraging our resources and power to effect change.
Faith Grounding
In Genesis, God created humankind in God’s own divine image; we hold that all people are created in the image of God. As Christians we believe in the Incarnation; that is, the Word of God entered human history in the person of Jesus Christ, a Middle Eastern, Jewish, brown-skinned man who challenged Empire as being in opposition to the Reign of God. We want to be like Jesus. We are called to stand in opposition to Empire as Jesus did.
Dismantling White Supremacy is one of our strategic goals, and this work will be embedded in everything we do, and in the work of every Table as they pursue their own specific strategic goals. We will use the lens of White Supremacy as a means of reflecting on, critiquing, and changing how we live together in Beloved Community. With the support of the Racial Justice Team, this work will be done by individuals and collectively.